Thursday, December 15, 2011

Memories in a Box

I can't seem to keep everything in my head. Do you have that problem too? If I write something down or create a list I can work all day long, but if it's not on paper where I can cross it off my list it's got about a 10% chance of success. With that in mind, I keep a wooden box on my dresser. Inside are blank index cards and a pen. It's a kit of sorts. See, I'm a single Dad now and I want to capture the moments that I might not remember later. So, at night before I go to bed I sometimes get that box off the dresser, pull out an index card and write my kid's name across the top with the date. Here's some examples:

7-10-11 I
You found your whistle today! You've had a fake whistle sound for a couple of years now - just ask me and I'll do it for you. Now you can really whistle. You did it for the first time at the Frost Bite when Grandmother and Granddaddy were visiting. We all cheered!

9-26-11 H
This morning before school you tied your shoes by yourself! I think you watched J and learned from her. I don't remember working with you on it, but that's just like you to pick it up on your own. You can even do double knots. So smart!

11-9-11 J
You lost your second tooth today. We snuggled on the couch in the evening and you wiggled you tooth. You let me grip it with a napkin and two tries later it came out! We laughed and looked at the tooth in your hand together.

It doesn't take long to collect a few dozen memories. On days I'm down or missing my kids, I can pull these out of the box and think about the great times we're able to share. If you are a single dad, or not, don't overlook all that advice about "they grow up so fast". I think I've heard that from every old person who's seen me in the grocery store by now. But, they're right you know. Sometimes you only notice your kids have grown when they get something off the kitchen table. You remember that just 6 months ago they couldn't even see over that table. How did they do that without you noticing? Collect the memories any way you can. You're not going to remember it all.

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